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Unique Student Identifier (USI)

All students are required to obtain a Unique Student Identifier (USI) before enrolling in nationally recognised training in Australia. Click Unique Student Identifier to find out how to apply.

Accredited qualification courses

To enrol in an accredited qualification course, phone (03) 8746 1000 or email to register your interest in the course and to book in to the next information session.

Short courses

To enrol in a short course that is funded by Adult Community and Further Education (the course information will have the Learn Local logo) or fee for service, you can complete the online enrolment form, phone (03) 8746 1000 or email to register your interest.

For online enrolment instructions click HERE.

Other courses

For the Skills for Education & Employment (SEE) Program and the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP), please ring (03) 9009 7900 for further information.

Student Support Services

Djerriwarrh will make modifications or reasonable adjustments to training and assessment plans to provide a balanced learning environment for students and meet individual needs, so that all students have the opportunity to be successful.

Language Literacy and Numeracy

Djerriwarrh provides support to students with low Language Literacy and Numeracy(LLN) skills by offering one on one support or enrolment into one of the LLN programs delivered by Djerriwarrh.  Students are assessed through the Language Literacy Numeracy Assessment and interview process to see if their LLN skills meet the required level for the training qualification they wish to enrol in.  Students are advised of the alternatives available to support them while studying or of alternate pathways to increase their LLN skills to a level suitable to gain employment in the relevant industry.

For further information, please visit the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) page.

Djerriwarrh Youth Services

Djerriwarrh delivers a range of support programs specifically designed for young people. These programs include Better Futures, School Focused Youth Services, Learner Driver Mentor Program (L2P) and Reconnect. Young people interested in the Victorian Pathway Certificate (VPC) or Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major (VCE VM) can explore opportunities at Djerriwarrh Community College.

For further information, please visit the Youth Support page.

Djerriwarrh Neighbourhood House

Djerriwarrh Neighbourhood House  offers a range of social, educational and recreational activities to meet the needs of the community.

For further information, please visit the Neighbourhood House page.

Fees and Refunds

Accredited courses

For information about Djerriwarrh’s accredited course fees please refer to the following documents:

Djerriwarrh’s Full Fee Schedule 2025

To check if you are eligible for Government subsidised fees use the interactive Victorian Skills Gateway Eligibility Indicator

The student tuition fees as published are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment.

Skills First 2025 Guidelines about Fees

All other courses including short courses

For information about the fees for short courses offered at Djerriwarrh call (03) 8746 1000 or enquire at reception.

Other important information relevant to course fees

Fees and refunds Policy
Fee refund request form