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A family affair

By November 15, 2021August 11th, 2022No Comments

Congratulations to Georgina, who passed her licence yesterday through Djerriwarrh’s L2P program here in Melton. L2P mentors young learner drivers to get the driving experience they need to allow them to get their probationary licence.

Georgina and her family fled the Syrian civil war and have only been in Australia since May 2015 and she did not have anyone at home who could give her driving experience.

Georgina has been mentored by Steve Staunton since August 2017.   Steve has a professional drive school called Melwest drive school, but also volunteers as a driving mentor in L2P.

Djerriwarrh is a family affair for Georgina, as her father Jack is improving his English in our Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program. Georgina kept it a secret that she was doing her drive test yesterday. Only her mentor Steve knew. After the test, Georgina and Steve surprised her Dad by picking him up on the way to coming in to the Djerriwarrh office to tell us the good news. We managed to take this great photo of all three of them!

Now that Georgina has her licence, Steve is going on to mentor another young learner from Syria through our L2P program.