Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services has been successful in our application to the Victorian Registration and Qualification Authority (VRQA) to establish Djerriwarrh Community College in 2021.
Djerriwarrh Community College will be an Independent Specialist Senior Secondary School. It will deliver the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) at Foundation, Intermediate and Senior levels for students aged 15-19 years. It will provide a safe and inclusive learning environment for young people. The College is committed to supporting students to reach their individual personal, social and educational potential.
Djerriwarrh Community College’s Core Values;
Caring- We provide a safe and supportive learning environment for all students.
Respectful- We treat all members of our school community fairly and equally.
Inclusive- We put the needs of our students first and welcome diversity in our school community.
Adaptable- We respond to students needs in creative and flexible ways.
Accountable- We take responsibility for our decisions and follow through on our commitments.
As an Independent Specialist School Djerriwarrh Community College will have the enhanced capacity to offer;
- Specialist education programs tailored to students needs
- Increased support staff to assist students with complex needs
- Additional wellbeing programs and increased opportunity for one on one consultations
- Tailored careers and pathways program
- Increased VET opportunities
Djerriwarrh Community College will maintain its close connection to community organisations and work together with its partners with ensure the best outcomes for students. Class sizes will not increase with a student-centred approach at the forefront of our teaching philosophy.
School Governance
Djerriwarrh Community College will remain under the Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services Board, with a dedicated School Council. The School Council has particular functions in setting and monitoring the school’s direction, its three main responsibilities are;
- Finance: overseeing the development of the school’s annual budget and ensuring proper records are kept of the school’s financial operation
- Strategic planning: participating in the development and monitoring of the school strategic plan
- Policy development and review: developing, reviewing and updating policies that reflect a school’s values and support the school’s broad direction outlined in its strategic plan.
The School Council will support and provide oversight of the College Principal. The Principal will manage the day to day activities of the school and is responsible for ensuring the delivery of a comprehensive education to every student with the knowledge, capabilities and attributes for their future role in the community. The Principal also holds a duty of care for, and is responsible for the care, safety and welfare of the students at the school.
Community Consultation
Djerriwarrh Community College celebrates its diverse community and recognises the integral role parents and families play as partners in their child’s education. Community engagement has been shown to improve students’ self-esteem, school attendance, and behaviour at school.
Once established, Djerriwarrh Community College will;
- Hold information sessions and seek consultation from the community
- Participate in business and industry partnership meetings to form networks
- Communicate with the wider school community through general media, school newsletter and community forums
These meetings will allow community members the courtesy of being able to form an opinion on what they believe is in the College’s best interest free from coercion or persuasion of stakeholders with a vested interest.
Moving Forward
There will be no changes to the planned delivery of the VCAL program in 2021 under Djerriwarrh Community College. All current students remain enrolled, and students can continue their studies in 2021 as planned. Further information will be made available to all member of our school community in January.
For further information please contact us on or call 8746 1000.